Craig Bellamy could make a sensational return to Liverpool after Kenny Dalglish expressed an interest in signing him, the Daily Mail reports.
Dalglish is desperate to bolster his front line and has identified Bellamy as a potential signing.
Roberto Mancini has given the Manchester City striker the cold shoulder since returning from Cardiff, where he spent last season on loan labelling him as surplus to requirements.
The 32-year-old could now be in line for a move back to Anfield despite leaving over four years ago.
Bellamy spent the 2006/07 season at the club after being signed by former boss Rafa Benitez but failed to hold do a consistent first team slot.
His days were numbered after he attacked teammate John Arne Riise with a golf putter in the team hotel hours before a Champions League game with Barcelona.
That hasn’t deterred Dalglish though who see’s the Welshman as an experienced Premier League head.
Sunderland, Stoke, Bolton, Everton and Celtic, another former club, are also interested in taking the player off City’s hands.
Bellamy is on £95,000-a-week at the Etihad Stadium and Mancini wants him off the wage bill as soon as possible.
If an agreement between City and Liverpool can be reached then the striker could move back to Merseyside on a free transfer.

If there is any substance to this story, then it is apparent that Dalglish has lost the plot. If he doesn’t get us into the Champions League next year, he should kiss his job good bye.
Dalgish has lost the plot? i think you have kid.
we getting bellamy for free he is proven at this level and was man city’s best player in the 09/10 season before that idiot loaned him out because he was british. The way i see it is we need a back up striker with experience and he fits the bill perfectly.
Couldn’t have said it better myself!
why not buy defoe instead, he can add some REAL quality of the bench, and scores goals with ease. he wasnt happy at spurs last season and he would get more playing time at liverpool. bellamy is just a joke, also stephen ireland was one of shities best players afew seasons ago and look what he has done sinse…….nothing
bring back bellamy he is a good player and we need back up for carroll and suarez without spending ridiculous money.. and that comment bout defoe been real quality is a joke he doesn’t do it against the big teams he was useless against man utd monday night
no thanks
If Bellamy returns to Anfield, then we must bring Riise home too. And to complete the jigsaw puzzle, Riise would have to shove a 1-iron up Bellamy’s you-know-what. I bet Bellamy must be wetting with excitement at the very thought of this happening!
Bellamy or Defoe?I would say Bellamy for sure.He isnt a long term target , but someone like Bellamy , could give us the speed on the left and he still has that energy to spend , looking for his age.Defoe !!! is just a name , nothing into it.Watch Bellamy and u can see what he did in one season with City.I would say get Bellamy he still has 2 or 3 good years.He is an excelent , smart , enthusiastic and fighter 🙂
Even on a Free, do we need another burn out. Did’nt exactly offer much the last time he was here. Just another burden on the wage bill.
Could’nt agree more.
Not sure if i agree with KK on this one (if it is true) Quality not doubted but age is against him as are the wages. In fairness to Bellamy he never let us down last time,on the pitch anyway. I also feel tyhat Rafa boopbed big time by not bringing him on v Milan in 2007.Their back line was out on its feet and Bellamy would have won the game,in much the same way Inzagi did for them
bellamy great sense that is just what we need at our attack back up striker not defoe and if not bellamy then forlan any of the 2 or u go for hazard.
We have one hot headed striker already in carroll, i would be afraid bellamy and carroll would be to explosive together and could either bring dressing room morale down or even split it. As much as i admire bellamy as a footballer it would be just to big a gamble after the money we,ve spent to get the squad to were it is.
I think signing bellamy wud be a waste. If you want a striker to sit on the bench and wait for suarez and carrol to get injured then i think a young and hungry striker would be best option. Theres potential, the player is hungry to play and prove and also has the benefits of learning from the senior players. I thought dan sturridge or shane long wud of been a gud shout. ilker munain of bilbao is gud. time will tell.
These new owners are better than the last Americans but than again H&g have really lowered the bar, being criminals and all.
I will be very disappointed if Liverpool has to reach out for an old unwanted player when a decent striker can be found in a region of 10-15 mil.
That’s not a lot of money given what City and Chelsea can spend, and United has been spending for many years now.
If they let Liverpool get another old salary leach such they already have in Joe Cole I’ll know that these new owners are just here to sell the club and make a profit on it as soon as the market stabilizes. They are not here for the “future” they like to talk about a lot.