With Liverpool given permission to speak to Stewart Downing from Aston Villa as we seek to tie up the winger, it is reported that Kenny Dalglish will leave the Liverpool tour tonight (Thursday) so he can fly back to Liverpool and tie up the Downing deal.
Liverpool are currently in Malaysia and have one more game left to play on the tour on Saturday by Dalglish may leave Steve Clarke and Kevin Keen to take charge of that game. An official representing the Malaysian sponsors of the tour said they have been told Dalglish would fly back to England later Thursday. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to make the announcement.
This will go to show how much Dalglish wanted to sign Downing. We saw how Kenny wants new signings to feel important when he drove Charlie Adam to Melwood for his medical. Now he is making the effort of leaving Malaysia early to make sure the Downing deal goes smoothly.
The tour to the Far East is really a public relations exercise and thus I can see why Kenny is able to leave as we are not playing a do or die game against the Malaysia XI on Saturday.
Load of bollocks this, total press crap…..KK is going nowhere!!!!!
What a waste of money. could this deal not have been sorted Before he left for China ? flights to and from the far east are not cheap !
Good initiative bu King Dalgish
Good news, in kk i trust and also downing is a good winger. I think he is a good addition.(welcome downing)
u r riht bro downing is a verry good player but most people dont no aboute the football they talkin sheat but 4 me downing he is a riht man 4 lfc n we need someboddy hwo loves to play 4 us like torres macherano like ashley young bu now see surez adam downing herderson they luv us n u will see the deferent next seasson we will fiht 4 z title youll never walk allone
nt like torres mecherano
what i like abt d downing is dat he can play both left wing and left back
All our signings are fantastic but central defender is required urgently.