Liverpool fans across the world are still waiting to hear from NESV what the future holds for Liverpool manager Roy Hodgson. Their silence is worrying as one would have expected by now that they would have said something following the loss to Blackburn and the continued calls from the fans to get rid of Hodgson as early as yesterday.
I tend to think that NESV have not come out and said anything yet because they do not know what to do or say. A large percentage of the fans are calling for NESV to appoint Kenny Dalglish to lead Liverpool for the rest of the season. That seems like the most logical and safest option right now but why will NESV not do that?
My thinking is that NESV will not appoint Dalglish to take over from Hodgson in the short term because they are probably strategising for a long term plan right now for Liverpool. A long term plan which includes appointing a young manager to lead Liverpool for the next 10 years. If they do appoint Dalglish until the end of the season, what will happen if Dalglish does well and leads Liverpool to a Top 4 finish, he wins the Europa League and possibly the FA Cup? They may then be forced to keep Dalglish and we as the fans would then want Dalglish to stay in-charge. That would be going against their long term plan for the club.
Then again, what if King Kenny takes over and he does not do a good job? I believe that the fans would never boo Kenny or chant for him to be sacked no matter what, but let’s be honest, the way the season has gone for Liverpool, there is a chance we could continue in this slump even with Kenny in-charge. And if the blame for the poor season is also laid onto Kenny that could tarnish the great reputation and history the King has had at Liverpool. Would NESV risk the possibilty of tarnishing the King’s history? I do not think so.
My other line of thinking is that Dalglish himself may not be wanting to take over until the end of the season and he may be wanting a more permanent job. Let us not forget that Dalglish applied for the job in the summer after Rafa was sacked.
Dalglish would do anything for the better of the club and I am sure if he is asked to manage until the end of the season he would really think hard about it and probably say ‘yes’ but deep down we know he wants the job for the long term. But we can not be too sure if he will jump at saying ‘yes’ because if you remember when he stepped down in 1991 he said, “This is the first time since I came to the club that I take the interest of Kenny Dalglish over Liverpool Football Club.” So what is stopping him this time from taking his own interest first before Liverpool by stating that his interest is to have a long term managerial role?
NESV have a tough decision to make over the next couple of days or weeks. And what ever decision they make, you will be sure that someone is not going to be happy about it.

There’s no logic to this at all. If Kenny took over and did as well as you suggest NESV and everyone else would be absolutely fecking delighted. On the other hand, there are plenty of supporters out there who are unsure whether Kenny can do a good job in the interim, so he is far from irreplacable. I don’t honestly think Kenny’s legacy is a factor in NESV’s thinking. More to the point, given the absolute dross being served up at present, Kenny looks like our best option (he did in the summer to be fair). I’m afraid, when in doubt do nowt won’t cut it in this situation…NESV need to act quickly, even if it means sacrificing making a long term appointment in favour of something that will steady the ship in the short-term. Bring back the King!
NESV simply don’t want to pay him any compensation to Hodgson. They would be forced to take action very soon; especially with attendance to games on a low, and possible new signings following other opportunities rather than sign for Liverpool FC; because of the problems within the club and Hodgson.
who the H*ll voted to keep Roy?
Right, surely it is up to Kenny to decide if he is prepared to potentially tarnish his reputation and not NESV. Also, so what if Kenny can’t salvage it, based on recent results, it cannot get worse that is a harsh reality that we all have to get used to. Ole whisky nose, and I hate to have to admit it, has excelled at scum creating stability,he must be nearly a 1000 years old and kenny is far his jumior, so what if he is successful, in terms of his age he could surely do 10 years and in that 10 yeasr could he not look to take a certain Mr Carragher under his wing so as to help preserve the LFC way of things, a way that I’m sorry to say seems a very distant memory!
Install King Kenny now YNWA
This is justy your opinions, its not why nesv will not appoint Kenny Dalglish. You state ‘Would NESV risk the possibilty of tarnishing the King’s history? I do not think so.’
Why would nesv care about tarnishing Kenny’s reputation. This is as stupid as saying we wouldn’t appoint Jose Mourinho because we wouldn’t want to tarnish his reputation within football.
You also state what if Kenny led us to fourth and won a couple of cups and then the fans would want to keep him, which would go against the long term plan of the club. Haha that was my favourite comment, why would nesv be bothered if we went on this season to be successful, they could then take longer in planning the long term plan and would have time to choose the next boss of liverpool before kenny retires.
You then ramble on about something that happened 20 years ago and say what if he takes his own interests first hahaa 20 years ago is a long time im sure things have changed in his own mind.
This article is a joke.
I agree
Another point to bear in mind regarding Kenny taking over until the end of the season and doing ok-well is this:- A new man comes in, and every time we have a run of bad results, the owners will worry the fan will be demand Kenny to come back each time. We know they think long term and I’d be surprised if they haven’t considered this.
When did everybody turn into Geordies?
Keep the daft arl bugger till the end of the season because this year is a write off anyway, then install the new man whoever that may be. The current lack of opinion from NESV is fine by me, it means they are assesing the situation and not knee jerk fools.
Kenny is not the dream ticket so take the rose tinted glasses off.
… Oh and bring back the boys pen!!!
I agree with gmon, Kenny is not the dream ticket. As for how he will do, it hangs in the balance for me, a great track record as a player but his track record as a manager is inconsistant, just look at his time in Celtic, the appointment of Barnes worries me as to his decision making. Since then nothing much to report, despite applying for the LFC job in the summer and making it known he wants to get back into management no other club is looking to take him on. Leave Roy where he is and get off the media band wagon and let the guy get on with it. If he is sacked, I will expect the next manager to receive the same scrutiny and unrealistic expectations over a 6 month period. I don’t expect the team or it’s attitude to change overnight, so we should be bang on course to sacking that manager at the end of the season, the problem is with the players and the squad and that cannot change overnight. Is this what LFC as turned into?? I hope not.
I agree with gmon, Kenny is not the dream ticket. As for how he will do, it hangs in the balance for me, a great track record as a player but his track record as a manager is inconsistant, just look at his time in Celtic, the appointment of Barnes worries me as to his decision making. Since then nothing much to report, despite applying for the LFC job in the summer and making it known he wants to get back into management no other club is looking to take him on. Leave Roy where he is and get off the media band wagon and let the guy get on with it. If he is sacked, I will expect the next manager to receive the same scrutiny and unrealistic expectations over a 6 month period. I don’t expect the team or it’s attitude to change overnight, so we should be bang on course to sacking that manager at the end of the season, the problem is with the players and the squad and that cannot change overnight. Is this what LFC as turned into?? I hope not.
Mug. completely underestimated Kenny and underestimated the Kop.
You must feel like a right wally now with comments you posted like that lad. Probably singing Kennys praises now saying you always thought he’d be great. Don’t know your a**e from your elbow.
If King Kenny got the job and did well that is something I would see as a positive problem. So what if he has not managed a football club for nearly 20 years? If he didn’t watch a game of football since, and we all know he has, his approach would still be more modern than that of uncle Roy who’s stuck in the 1970’s.
If there’s no European football and the current complete waste of space continues to be the manager there won’t be many top class players coming in. It will be very difficult to keep our current stars. Every day Roy continues as the Liverpool gaffer, our future looks bleaker and bleaker.
Bringing King Kenny back is like Newcastle asking Shearer to manage in the year they were relegated……we have to think Long term. Go the german boyfriends Joachim Loew and his skivvy wearing assistant. they dramatically transformed a dire german side and could bring the likes of mertersacker and co you would like to think… Other problem with King Ken is “how current are his contacts to bring in new players”? Or is this more a job for Conolli? Despite all this – at least we will get the fans back to games and fire up for the Reds again. to be fair – when the travelling support fired up vs blackburn (incl YNWA around 77th min) the boys responded in the last 10 minutes. had torres volley gone in and stevie sank penno somehow wed have got an undeserved draw. point is we do need anfield to be noisy and hell-like for travelling teams again. look at friggin stoke – its feckin loud at the brittania and those buggers are useless but home record is great. i know it is difficult to get loud when you have to watch utter crap (kyrgakos lucas and konchseky et al) but lets not save the vocal chords for if whe get any closer to relegation and have to play our brilliant 12th man role then. better do that now than then…..FIRE UP REDS FANS. I partly agreed with Roys comments in this regard. FIRE UP. There are other ways than silence and plain non-attendane to get your message across….
No, there’s no reason to think that Kenny should be coming into a job like this at this point. Sure, he knows the club, but would we consider anyone else who has been out of the game for so long? Hardly proves a burning passion to manage, does it? But there is no comparison between Kenny and Shearer, barely a qualified coach who had sat in a tv studio for years.
With Rijkaard and O’Neill available, although I understand Rijkaard may have ruled himself out, I don’t know what these guys are waiting for. The United game would have been an ideal time to bring in a new coach had they acted quick enough. I get the impression that they are quite happy to see our star players leave, lower the wage bill and then run the club like Lerner at Villa. Kenny would not go for that, nor would the likes of O’Neill. I’d be worried to see Coyle come in, ticks all their boxes except he has not won anything and lacks experience.
If Kenny can get Liverpool into the Champions League, then he should be given the job on a long term basis. I was very encouraged by his calmness yesterday, the way the players have responded to him, and the fear in Alex Ferguson’s eyes. I believe that Ferguson knows in his heart of heart that Kenny is the man Liverpool have always needed and the man to bring back the glory days to Anfield.