It just seems to get better and better for Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp. Having just been crowned as a Premier League winner, the German has signed a personal endorsement deal with Adidas as reported by the Telegraph.
Klopp’s appeal would have been rising all these previous years following his success at Anfield and it is really no suprise that a brand such as Adidas has decided to cash in. What makes it interesting is that Liverpool recently signed a new deal with Nike and in the past Klopp has been wearing the club sponsors apparel, which was New Balance. So now we would be seeing Klopp in the Liverpool Nike apparel together with his Adidas, to what extent we will have to wait and see.
It is not common to see managers have different apparel from the clubs but with players it is very common.
This is not Klopps only commercial deal. Recently the manager was featured in German beer brand Erdinger’s advert.