For all the rumours of Mario Balotelli’s strange off field behaviour, reports today suggest the Italian striker has shown his generous side.
The Liverpool Echo are amongst those reporting that the 24-year-old is rumoured to have made an anonymous donation to Manchester Dogs’ Home, after 60 dogs were sadly killed in a fire a week ago.
Staff at the charity believe that Liverpool’s new £16million striker is behind the five-figure sum donation, having revealed how he volunteered as a dog walker at the charity during his time at Manchester City.
Balotelli is a known dog lover, and regularly posts pictures on his social media accounts of himself and his black Labrador Lucky.
Jane Smith, a spokeswoman for the dogs’ home, said: “Mario owns a dog but it was in quarantine in Italy so he used to come and walk all the dogs at the dogs’ home.
“We can’t yet confirm whether he made a donation but he is known as a big dog lover so it would make sense.”
A spokesman for Balotelli was unable to confirm whether he made the donation, but charity bosses continue to investigate.
Balotelli is known for his love of dog’s amongst football’s elite – so much so in fact that he requested his dog join Manchester City’s parade following their 2011 FA Cup success. And sure enough, City grated Balotelli permission to celebrate the club’s first trophy in 35 years alongside his trusted companion.